Wednesday, March 30, 2016

C programming material All Units(JNTUK, R13 , C Programming)

 Click here to download C programming material All Units(JNTUK, R13 , C Programming)

C progrmming language is the base for all other programming languages like C++,Java and .net. This subject is the first computer programming language subject in almost all Universities in India providing B.Tech and MCA courses. Students are advised to go through the text books for detailed concepts and different examples. Practice is mandatory to improve knowledge in this programming language. Try to practice atleast 5 different programs in a day .  C programming by E. balaguruswamy, c programming by Ashok Kamthane , Let us C by Yasvant Kanitkar , Test your skill in C by Yasvant Kanitkar and Pointers in C by Yasvant Kanitkar  are the books recommended for this programming language.

for any queries feel free to contact us...

Click here to download C programming material All Units(JNTUK, R13 , C Programming)


  1. Replies
    1. A youtube channel with tutorials for C Programming Concepts like Strings, Structures, Unions, and some programs on Arrays is available designed for JNTUK students.
      watch these videos and leave comment, also mention if you want any topics you want videos for.

  2. A youtube channel with tutorials for C Programming Concepts like Strings, Structures, Unions, and some programs on Arrays is available designed for JNTUK students.
    watch these videos and leave comment, also mention if you want any topics you want videos for.

  3. It is very helpful for all students
