Friday, March 18, 2016

Web Technlogies Material/notes for JNTUK, CSE students

Download Web Technologies study material( JNTUK R13 ) here..

The use of Internet and web has become increased from the past few years. Everything we do , involves the use of web. Either you read a document, purchase a mobile online or send a message or mail or make a video call online or join an online tutorial we use web and internet. It has become mandatory for the computer science students to learn web technologies to design and develop  user interfaces and write the code for different functionalities. Hence, Web Technologies is a subject present in almost all University curriculum in India. Here i provide links to download Web Technlogy study material designed according to the JNTUK( Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University) Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh curriculum. The subject is taught to the CSE students. So i suggest all my CSE students to download these unit-wise material/notes for the aforementioned subject from the links given below.






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