Monday, May 9, 2016

Program 6: Windows Form Application:String Mannipulation

1.            1.  Open Visual studio 2013.
2.  On the menu bar, choose File, New, and Project. Choose Programming language as Visual C#. In the templates list, choose the Windows Forms Application icon. 
3.  Name the project as StringManip and specify the address of your folder.
      4.  In the main window design the form as shown below and set the properties as    
Windows Form Design for StringManipulation: an Example

  In the btnPrintName_Click method write the following code.

private void btnPrintName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           lblDisplay.Text = txtSurName.Text + " "
       In the btnLength_Click method write the following code.

private void btnLength_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int surnameLen = txtName.Text.Length;
            int nameLen = txtSurName.Text.Length;
            int fullNameLen = (txtSurName.Text +" "
            lblDisplay.Text = "Surname Length :"
            surnameLen.ToString() + “\n”;
            lblDisplay.Text += "Name Lengh :" +  
            nameLen.ToString() + "\n";
            lblDisplay.Text += "Full Name Length :"

  In the btnFindPetName_Click method write the following code.

private void btnFindPetName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String petName = txtPetName.Text;
            String fullName = txtSurName.Text + " " +    
            if (fullName.Contains(petName))
                lblDisplay.Text = "Petname exists in your 
                lblDisplay.Text = "Petname doesn't exist in 
                                   your name";

In the btnShortName_Click method write the following code.

private void btnShortName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String name = txtName.Text;
            String surName = txtSurName.Text;
            String initial =surName.Replace(surName,    
            surName[0].ToString() + ". ");
            String shortName =initial  + name;
            lblDisplay.Text = shortName;

  In the btnSplit_Click method write the following code.

private void btnSplit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblDisplay.Text = "";
            String name = txtName.Text;
            String[] names = name.Split(' ');
            foreach (String s in names)
            lblDisplay.Text += s + "\n";

   In the btnSplit_Click method write the following code.

private void btnShowName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String fullName = null;
            String name = txtName.Text;
            String surName = txtSurName.Text;
            String str = 

            if(str == "FIRST")
                fullName = name.Insert(0,surName);
            else if(str == "LAST")
                fullName = name.Insert(name.Length, surName);
            lblDisplay.Text = fullName +     
            lblDisplay.Text +=fullName.PadRight(30,'#')+"\n";
            lblDisplay.Text += fullName.PadLeft(30, '*')+"\n";

   In the btnSplit_Click method write the following code.

     private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Execute your project...Enjoy Programming..

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